

1. 向未信者宣告得救的福音,就是透過相信神的兒子耶穌基督為救主,及成為生命的主;幫助澄清信仰上的概念及誤解。

2. 鼓勵及裝備信徒,按照聖經的教義傳福音及在神的愛裡靈命成長。

3. 本查經班與本地教會互相補足,並非取代任何本地教會。


1. To proclaim the gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as Saviour and Lord to believers-to-be and assist in clearing up their concepts and misconceptions regarding this belief.

2. To motivate and equip all believers to evangelise and to grow spiritually with the love of God in accordance with the doctrines of the Bible.

3. This Class does not replace any local church, hence should complement church functions and not compete.